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Thank you for your interest in our Emergency Response Action Plans.

Note that registration for Emergency Response Action Plan access is limited to those state/provinces that have Enbridge Liquids (Crude Oil) Pipelines present. If you wish to secure a copy of the applicable Natural Gas Transmission plan, including the Joint Ventures of Vector, Sabal Trail and NEXUS, please send an email to

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I am a member of an emergency response organization and agree that the information being provided to me will be used to prepare for and if applicable support the response to a pipeline incident on an Enbridge pipeline or the Vector Pipeline. I understand that information on this site is regularly updated and that printed versions of the plans are uncontrolled documents. Materials downloaded from this site are protected by copyright and are the exclusive property of Enbridge Pipelines Inc. and its affiliates. Authorization to access this site and view the documents does not include the license to reproduce or otherwise transmit any of the contents except to other authorized users within your organization. Violation shall subject the party to immediate termination of access, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies Enbridge Pipelines Inc. or its affiliates may have. By providing my contact information, I consent to receive emails related to Enbridge’s Emergency Response Program and for the administration of my account under this website.
